
Can The Jt Eaton Bait Block Be Used In The Garden

Chipmunks can be a nuisance in your yard since they can chew up anything from insects, bulbs, buds to other plants in your garden. We all tend to think that Chipmunks are just little harmless cute animals. These animals are capable of causing minimal but irritating damage.

Chipmunks are omnivores commonly found in North America and Asia. These small, striped animals are destructive and run very fast to avoid human beings through their underground burrows that can destabilize your house's foundation by digging burrows 30 ft. long underneath. They can also disturb your garden and tear up your flower garden by digging up the bulbs which mess up your garden's look. If you have a chipmunk infestation within your home, it's time to deal with them once and for all. You may have tried using homemade hacks to deal with them and might have proven futile. One of the most effective methods for eliminating them is the use of chipmunk poison. This can assure you of getting rid of them. In this article, we look at the best poisons to eradicate chipmunks.

Comparison table for the best poison for chipmunks

Best poison for chipmunks

Best For

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Tomcat All Weather Bait Chunx

Best overall poison for chipmunks

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JT Eaton 166004 709-PN Bait Block Rodenticide Anticoagulant Bait

Most ideal for indoors

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Neogen Ramik 116300 Weather Resistant Rodenticide Nugget

Best outdoor and indoor use

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JT Eaton 704-AP Rodenticide Block

Value for money

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Motomco Tomcat Mouse and Rat Bromethalin Pellets

Best for agricultural use

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Reviews of the best poison for chipmunks

Tomcat All Weather Bait Chunx – Best overall poison for chipmunks

Tomcat All Weather bait is an excellent product for eradicating chipmunks despite being initially meant for mice and rats. The product comes in a 4-pound pail and is made from human food-grade ingredients making the chunks suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. The bait is weather-proof and can resist mold and moisture which makes it last longer than other baits. The poison can be used as a standalone or together with bait stations. Tomcat has bromadiolone as an active ingredient with each packet having 1.5 ounces of Diphacinone and inert ingredients. The active ingredient is responsible for killing various rodents besides chipmunks. It's fast and can withstand any storm without losing its worth. To use it, place the packets where you've previously spotted chipmunks and wait for them to come through being attracted by the smell and the taste enhancers. If you want to deal with rodents inside your house, it's better to use it with a trap for pinning the animal down. This ensures that the carcass doesn't rot and starts producing a foul smell and ends up giving you trouble to locate it.


  • Effective in any weather
  • Moisture and mold resistant
  • Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use
  • Can be used either on its own or with bait stations
  • The price is affordable


  • Not safe around kids and pets
  • Rodents may die in the house without you knowing

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JT Eaton 166004 709-PN Bait Block Rodenticide Anticoagulant Bait – Most ideal for indoors

JT Eaton is one of the best chipmunk poisons on the market and can handle a large chipmunk infestation or any other rodents in your home. This is because the 144 bait blocks that it contains are enough to handle any number. It has a peanut-butter like flavor that attracts chipmunks which can feed for a few days before dying. The container it comes in is a tamper-proof pail that can be safely stored in your home. What makes this product lethal is the active ingredient it contains – Diphacinone which makes it not only effective but also faster in killing chipmunks. Also, it has a lower risk of terminating any secondary predator when it feeds on the chipmunk. JT Eaton is easy to use and can be used by spreading the bait blocks where there are chipmunks and wait. It's however challenging to use them inside your house because you may not know where the carcass is until it starts smelling. It's best to use it with a trap if you use it indoors.


  • Its attractiveness helps catch chipmunks faster
  • The packaging is tamper-resistant and resealable
  • More affordable compared to other options
  • Easy to use
  • No poisoning of secondary predators
  • Effective in dealing with a wide variety of rodents


  • Doesn't include a bait station
  • You may need to order additional traps
  • It may not be suitable for indoor use
  • Since its 1st generation, rodents will need to consistently eat for results

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Neogen Ramik 116300 Weather Resistant Rodenticide Nugget – Best outdoor and indoor use

Ramik 116300 is green in color and is made of a first-gen anticoagulant that is responsible for killing rodents including chipmunks. Its proven wax-free formula of food-quality fish-flavored grain mix and Dipacinone as the active element attracts chipmunks and kills them in 4 to 5 days after consumption of lethal dosage. you can use it indoors and outdoors on wet/damps areas to control not only chipmunks but also rats and mice. The pellets have a good texture compared to other baits in the market but might break apart if staked into the ground. It's best to use them with baiting stations as they won't break apart and chipmunks won't steal them.


  • Highly-palatable
  • Effective and acts fast
  • Suitable for use indoors and outdoors


  • The shape and texture of pellets makes it harder to secure

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JT Eaton 704-AP Rodenticide Block – Value for money

This is another product from JT Eaton to feature in this review list. It's one of the most trusted anticoagulant brands and has an apple flavor for attracting rodents. it comes in the form of a pail that contains 64 blocks weighing and an ounce each. The pail is reasonable, tamper-proof, and with a transparent lid. JT Eaton 704 contains Diphacinone as its active ingredient enough for killing chipmunks. The blocks have a hole at the center for use on the ground or inside baiting stations. It can be used as a standalone and with a bait station both indoors and outdoors. The most ideal use is in farm and agricultural areas since they're perfect for long-term use. It can also be used in the basement and attics.


  • Contains a powerful apple scent for attracting chipmunks
  • Ideal for both indoor and outdoor use
  • A block is enough for a chipmunk
  • Can be used alone or with baiting stations
  • Value for money

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Motomco Tomcat Bromethalin Pellets – Best for agricultural use

Motomco Tomcat pellets are intended for farm and agricultural use because the active ingredient – Bromethalin is a potent acute toxicant. After feeding on it to a toxic dose, chipmunks stop feeding any more and die in 4 days. The pail contains 22 blocks with each weighing 3 ounces which are enough for severe infestations. Also, the blocks come with paper covers that allow you to handle them without gloves. This product is recommended for use in and around agricultural buildings.


  • Safe to handle
  • Contains a palatable formula
  • The pellets are big enough to handle large infestations


  • Not compatible with every bait station

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Buying guide for the best poison for chipmunks

Types of rodenticides

Poisoning chipmunks is usually the best way to completely eradicate them from your home. In the market today, there are several products that one can make use of in tackling this issue. These products come in varying shapes, sizes with some being designed for a specific area only. Choosing from all of them depends on how big the issue is, how much time one has, and your budget. There are several types with the popular ones being the following:

  1. Poison pellets/nuggets
  2. Rodenticide bars
  3. Poisoned peanuts
  4. Poisonous chunks/blocks

Chipmunk nuggets are the easiest to use because all it takes is scattering them around your home where chipmunks are and letting them do their job. Rodenticide bars can be used in wet/damp places but can be too big for use with the regular bait stations. Poisoned peanuts, on the other hand, are great for use in visible burrows, especially when used with cone-tipped cans. For outdoor use, poisoned bait blocks and chunks are the best because of their resistance to moisture and mold. This enables them to brave any weather. When used indoors, this poison can be used with a bait station to enhance safety for pets.

How to enhance safety when using chipmunk poison

Firstly, always read the directions on the bottle label before use to achieve maximum returns. Since these baits have been designed to attract chipmunks, they can also be appealing to pets like dogs and cats. Therefore, it's good to combine the bait with a bait station in case of any pets in the house. Also, secondary poisoning poses a threat to pets since the amount of poison found in a bait block is so high that it can kill a cat if it feeds on a pest. With a bait station, the bait can only be reached by the chipmunk and other rodents. In addition, the station is designed in such a way that a dying vermin can't leave the trap which reduces the risk of it being eaten by a pet.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What do chipmunks feed on?

Chipmunks are omnivores which mean that they can feed on anything a human being can feed. They can nibble on natural foods including nuts, birdseed, acorns, fruits, and other plants. Also, they can nibble on stuff like electric wires and wooden tools. They also won't stop going through your trash and even stealing your pet's food.

Can rat poison be used to kill chipmunks?

There are no poisons in the market specifically designed for eliminating chipmunks. Most homeowners use rat and mice poison to exterminate chipmunks. The rodenticides can also be used to kill a wide variety of rodents besides rats, mice, and chipmunks. This is because of the toxic ingredients used in making them.


With this comprehensive list of rodenticides for chipmunks, you can rest assured of the best and most effective products. You should however adhere to the safety measures to protect you and your loved ones during usage, storage, and when disposing of after use.

Oliver Wright is a pest control technician and has over the years been educating homeowners on the various pest control strategies. Pest control involves various DIY strategies that have been proved to work, and for severe cases, professional help should be sought. According to Oliver, most homeowners are not aware that the combination of the various pest control strategies can offer long term pest management solutions. The reason he compiled all the relevant information at Home Pests Guide that homeowners can use to rid their homes of pest. Oliver is a husband and a father of one, works as a pest control professional and when not on duty he loves to spend time with his family.

Can The Jt Eaton Bait Block Be Used In The Garden


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