
Better Homes And Gardens Children's Rooms And Play Yards

This feature in Better Homes & Gardens means the world to me. Eleven years of children's design, e-commerce and product development felt pretty sweet summed up in four glossy magazine pages. It's amazing looking back, that the birth of my first child would launch myself, along with my best friend Pam, into an entire career within the children's space. It's a sweet reminder that there's a purpose and a plan for everything. You can read all about it in April's issue below.

Project Nursery Co-Founder Melisa Fluhr Feature in Better Homes & Gardens

Since the feature, I've gotten some great questions from friends and Instagram followers. Let me answer a few for you right here.

So what's a photoshoot for a magazine really like?
The spread took nearly two full days to shoot. BHG's east coast editor Monika Eyers arrived with stylist Olga Naiman and photographer Annie Schlechter. Prior to the shoot, I cleaned, edited and styled my rooms, which is home staging 101. A magazine shoot however takes it to a whole new level, especially when standing among powerhouse creatives and wedding worthy florals. But here's the real secret—it's all about the shot, as in what is seen in the full frame of the camera. I was lucky to watch this dream team in action, producing one photo better than the next. Not to mention the really difficult stuff that comes after the shoot, which is editing, writing (shoutout to Caylin Harris) and me, hoping my feature gets published. Despite all the magic that goes into producing a story, it's not always a sure thing, people.

Is your home always this organized?
Pretty much. I am a little OCD and firmly believe there's a place for everything. Clutter drives me batty, so I donate to the United War Veterans Council every quarter. I donate things to the point where six months later I think to myself, "I could have really used that vase right about now!" My poor husband just shakes his head.

What's up with your kids' rooms? Do you clean it daily?
I seriously try, but as I watch my tween evolve into a teen, I am learning or more like desperately trying to let go. Thankfully, Austin is pretty good about letting me into his room. My middle child Chase has his own decorating opinions, as in, he hates the pallet wall in his bedroom. The one featured, the one that has 250K shares, the one we slaved away creating and the one that can never be removed from the wall. Ironically, Emmy my youngest is a full-blown pack rat, which is just plain karma telling me to chill.

Melisa McHale Fluhr Better Homes and Gardens

Of course, no post on Project Nursery would be complete without a little design scoop. We've lived in our home for nearly seven years. After bouncing between both east and west coasts, we've amassed some pretty eclectic pieces. Our suburban New Jersey family home reflects how we've evolved as a couple. A lot of what is repurposed in the kids space came from our NYC apartment. What was a prized dining room possession in my late 20s will confirm that washable markers aren't always entirely washable.

Project Nursery Co-Founder Melisa Fluhr Playroom Feature in Better Homes & Gardens Sources: Big Sur Table, Adjustable Stools, Elfa Storage System, Busy Bee Print, Buffalo Check Teepee

My daughter's nursery was a knee-jerk reaction after having two boys—really, I couldn't add another floral in there if I tried. While I am currently working on a very pink big girl room right now, I had a lot of fun designing her nursery with touches of greens and gold. After all, I remind parents that they will spend more time awake in the nursery than anyone else.

Project Nursery Co-Founder Melisa Fluhr Nursery Feature in Better Homes & Gardens Sources: Rosa Wallpaper, Wood Wall Initial, Beverly Dresser, Classic Book Set, Mini Ghost Chairs, Play Table, Tea Set

Chase's room was a labor of love and a big hit over here on Project Nursery's blog. Much of the room is furnished by RH Baby & Child, and I purposefully choose a classic colorway that will never go out of style. It has already proven to grow with him so nicely. Austin's room gives off that cool, creative vibe and is filled with unique pieces. His bed, for example, came from India. It was an old salvaged door we had made into a bed and shipped stateside after our visit there.

Project Nursery Co-Founder Melisa Fluhr Boys Room Feature in Better Homes & Gardens Sources: Distressed Wool Rug, Wall Sconces, Project Nursery Paint, Gingham Duvet Cover

I have to say, I am still beaming from the whole magazine experience. My kids are growing up so fast, and I am incredibly grateful to have this cherished memory to hold onto, in the power of print. Thank you again to the entire gang at BHG! xo, Melisa

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Better Homes And Gardens Children's Rooms And Play Yards


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